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The business philosophy of KW Pro is based on the following four key principles:

Effective Employee Selection

One of the most important factors in building a high-performing organization, is not only "to have the right people" but, more specifically, "to have the right people in the right place". We are convinced that employees whose abilities fit their role and whose personality is in line with the corporate culture are critical for the company's success and high employee satisfaction. For this reason, we are investing in a thorough and comprehensive assessment procedure when selecting and hiring new employees.

Operational Excellence

To enable our employees to perform at the highest efficiency and effectiveness levels, we are attaching the greatest importance to streamlining our internal processes. This is to be achieved by executing a comprehensive planning process, thoroughly and fully implementing the chosen solution, and effectively making use of technology to increase productivity.

Creation of Customer Value

In a Business-to-Business (B2B) relationship the value delivered by a company's products and services constitutes the most important decision variable. As a consequence, KW Pro pursues a strictly subject matter oriented product management approach. The company's services need to provide a clearly defined and measurable customer benefit.

Strong Corporate Culture

A clearly defined and vivid corporate culture with which employees identify is a prerequisite for their loyalty and commitment. The cornerstones of KW Pro's corporate culture are:

  • Honesty and respect when interacting with fellow employees, customers, and the public
  • Meritocracy to determine status and advancement in the company
  • Empowerment of employees to make decisions
  • Work-life balance to achieve a fulfilled life inside and outside paid work