Why should you opt to cooperate with KW Pro? - Because our service offering stands out based on the following three distinctions:
Contrary to the common advice when experiencing issues using Microsoft® Office applications, i.e., to attend classroom training, KW Pro pursues a differentiated approach. Our service portfolio is aligned with the priorities focus of the knowledge worker's job and supports a systematic make-or-buy decision - Coaching ("make") when the employee's core responsibilities include using Microsoft® Office programs and Outsourcing ("buy") when not. Furthermore, we regard the application of Office Productivity Software as an integral part of the knowledge development process and as a crucial tool to increase knowledge worker productivity. Consequently, we are providing supporting not only for the production but also for the design of analyses, reports, presentations, etc. Both elements are essential to develop relevant knowledge and easy-to-understand presentations for internal and/or external decision makers.
We possess substantial qualifications and experience along the entire process chain relevant for you :
If desired, we define and document appropriate value drivers in cooperation with you to quantify the added value of our services.
Based on the type of customer benefit, changes in corresponding value drivers are measured and converted into cash flows. These feed into valuation models developed in the field of security valuation and capital budgeting. The resulting return on your capital employed puts you in a position to validate the viability of your decision to use our services.
Please also visit References for examples and comments from our existing customers.